Transparency in Teaching (Stuff) Podcast


To Out or Not to Out

Are Transgender Students’ Rights at Odds with Parents’ Rights? The California lawsuit over transgender students’ rights policy in the Chino Valley Unified School District has sparked a heated debate about parents’ rights and the rights of transgender and gender-nonconforming students....

047 Battling Teacher Burnout: What To Do to Put Out the Fire

In this episode, Anne and Jen shed light on the issue of teacher burnout and its prevalence in the education system. We discuss teachers’ experiences facing challenges such as an intense curriculum without sufficient resources, mold-infested classrooms, and unaddressed disciplinary...

044 The Teacher Workload: Teachers Get Less for More

In this episode, Anne, Jen, and their special guest Maria delve into the multifaceted nature of the teacher workload, shedding light on the fact that the profession entails much more than simply standing in front of a classroom and delivering...

042 Summer Planning to Make Fall a Breeze

Ah, summer vacation! The time when teachers can finally break free from the clutches of students, exams, and endless lesson planning. It’s a time to kick back, relax, and forget about school… Or is it? Many teachers count the days...

040 Mastery Learning: What are teachers Really Grading?

It’s Anne here with a mini-episode of Transparency and Teaching Podcast, the News Edition. We used to start our episodes with education news, but you know, uh, we got so long-winded as we talked about the main topics that we...

038 Retaining Third Graders Who Can’t Read: Right or Wrong?

A recent article in “The 74” caught my attention this week. It discussed how Tennessee and Michigan are currently debating removing the statute requiring third graders who are reading below grade level to be retained. With state testing starting, people...

stop saying the pledge of allegiance

036 Is it Time to Stop Saying the Pledge of Allegiance?

The Pledge of Allegiance is a daily ritual in many schools and public events in the United States. The pledge, written in 1892,  is a promise of loyalty to the United States of America. However, over the years, the practice...

035 Who’s Indoctrinating Whom ?

According to Merriam-Webster, the word indoctrinate originated in the 17th century.  It meant “to teach,” as it comes from docēre, the Latin word for teaching.  But by the 19th century, the meaning shifted to signify teaching someone to uncritically accept a...

What makes a school successful

034 Is Your Child’s School Successful? How do you know?

What comes to mind when someone says, “Oh, that’s a really good school?” Is it students all sitting in their seats, diligently taking notes? Is it passing along students who can read and do math on grade level? Or is...

033 Is It Time to Stop Promoting Social Promotion?

Hey, it’s Anne here to introduce today’s episode all about social promotion, you know, that practice where schools promote students to the next grade based on age instead of mastery. The idea is that keeping kids with their peer group...

teachers quitting

032 Teachers MIA? What to Do About Teachers Quitting

Don’t be surprised if you find someone named “TBA” teaching your child’s class. There will apparently be A LOT of TBAs in charge of classes this fall. School districts across the country report record numbers of unfilled positions at the...

Back to school

031 Back to School Blues (and what to do about them)

As summer vacation is ending, I was wondering if you are beginning to get a nervous tick when you hear, “Back to School Sale?” Or do you find yourself tearing up when you walk by the school supplies aisle? Or...

man holding a white flag against a fiery background

030 5 Lessons Learned from the 2021-2022 School Year From Hell

The 2021-2022 school year felt like it rose up from Hell. Thank goodness teachers can put the year behind them! If ever there was a school year that deserved a "middle finger," 🖕🏼🖕🏼that was one! Many teachers felt this year...

028 We Are Not Ok: Teachers Struggle to Cope, Too!

In this episode, Anne and Jen shed light on the issue of teacher burnout and its prevalence in the education system. We discuss teachers’ experiences facing challenges such as an intense curriculum without sufficient resources, mold- infested classrooms, and unaddressed...

024 What Makes an Effective Teacher Effective?

What makes an effective teacher effective? That's a pretty subjective question, isn't it? I'm beginning to believe that so much of what people think makes education good is subjective.

023 New Teachers, This One’s for You!

This school year is FINALLY ending (thank god for small favors) and we are packing up our minimally used classrooms. For many teachers, this will be their last time having to do this. Covid caused many to throw in the...

022 What does a Teaching Credential Really Prove?

The National Center for Education Statistics reported that in the 2017-18 school year there were 3.3 million full and part-time traditional public school teachers. That is the most recent count available. That’s a lot of college tuition and credentialing fees. So does...

021 Minimum Day #4 : Back in the Classroom

Here’s how the school year progressed. It started as “We won’t likely be returning to campus this year.” Then it changed to  “I doubt it will happen.” Which changed to, “Maybe it will happen.” Then to, “It’s happening,” and finally…...

020 Tackling Teacher Tenure

In 2005 then-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wanted to make changes to California’s teacher tenure, increasing the time to achieve tenure from 2 to 5 years. He also proposed that teacher pay be based on merit, not length of tenure, and that...

019 Going Back to School (for real this time)

We are rapidly approaching the end of our 3rd quarter and it looks like a pretty done deal that after spring break, we will be going back to school for real this time!  So what does that really mean? We’ve...

018 Difficult Discussions Don’t Have to be Difficult

It should have been expected that the attack on the Capitol last month (has it been that long already?😳) would prompt controversial classroom discussions. Students want to explore their questions and find answers to their concerns. This puts teachers in...

015 The Value of Teacher Evaluations

Hello Faithful Listeners! So, yeah, this episode is a bit late, (or a bit early if you want to pretend last week didn’t happen). Here’s why:The end of our first quarter of distance learning has just come to a close....

014 Minimum Day #3 with Angel

Our guest co-host, fellow co-worker and single parent, Angel, joins us today to share her unique (or not so unique, depending on your family dynamic) situation of juggling two elementary school aged children during distance learning, while also wearing the...

013 Minimum Day #2

I think distance learning is finally getting to us. We’re tired.  We’re punchy, We talk about alcohol more than usual.  Distance Learning Trippin’ Today we get into how parents and students are coping with distance learning from the teacher’s point...

012 Back to School Interlude — Minimum Day Episode #1

We are feeling swamped with back to school Covid Style. Planning lessons for 2 1/2 hour synchronous classes and 150 minutes of weekly asynchronous work is time consuming. So until we find our rhythm we are bringing you mini lunchroom...

010 Travel Ideas for Teachers (One can dream, can’t they?)

Today we get into ways teachers can save money on travel (once travel is a “thing” again!) Never too soon to start planning! We discuss ideas for social distancing conscious travel and how to make your “safer at home” quarantine...

009 Restorative Practices Make Perfect

Well not exactly perfect, but much, much better In this episode, we get into the topic of restorative practices. The International Institute of Restorative Practices website describes restorative practices as an emphasis on repairing the harm done to people and...

008 Going Back to School Safely? Truth or Dare?

We are a bit concerned about what August might entail as pediatricians and the president push to reopen schools, but at whose expense? We start the episode with a discussion of what the California state budget holds for education, plus...

007 To be Sick or Not to be Sick? The sub’s the question!

In Episode 007  you’ll hear: and Jen’s sex education 🍆🍑and barforama 🤮 substitute teaching stories. Fun times! For resources used in this episode and more stories about other teacher’s substitute teaching experiences go to our website. and subscribe!

006 Racisim in the Classroom? Let’s Get the Conversation Started

On today’s episode Sharyn and Anne Zoom with co-workers Jimese and Diedre, who bring their perspectives as black educators to the conversation about what we all need to be thinking about and doing differently in our classrooms to ensure equity...

005 Those Who Can’t Do, Teach. Yeah? You Try it!

Jen, Sharyn and I start the show by discussing the latest education news which in this case is what the proposed 10% budget cut might mean for schools (for me, it might mean retirement!) These could be the single biggest...

004 Should We Put A Fork In State Testing ?

Why do we send our children to school? To learn stuff?  What stuff? Who decides which “stuff” is important and which can be set aside? How do we know they learned this stuff? In the long past, education meant learning...

002 “F” for Failing — Grading Grades

First, this is just my opinion. For what that’s worth, it’s the opinion of someone who’s been in the classroom for 33 years. I don’t know how students view grades in elementary school. I get the feeling that parents are...

001 Why Teacher’s Quit

Why Bother to Become a Teacher? Go search on Google “number of new teachers who quit,” and you’ll find pages and pages (115,000,000 results in the search I did) of statistics that all read about the same: “Close to half...

000 Transparency in Teaching is Here, (finally)

Transparency in Teaching (stuff) Anne, Jen and Sharyn share a little about what to expect in their off the wall new podcast that takes you into the “teacher’s lounge” and lets you listen in to real conversations from real in...