Transparency in Teaching (Stuff) Podcast

028 We Are Not Ok: Teachers Struggle to Cope, Too!

In this episode, Anne and Jen shed light on the issue of teacher burnout and its prevalence in the education system. We discuss teachers’ experiences facing challenges such as an intense curriculum without sufficient resources, mold- infested classrooms, and unaddressed disciplinary issues. We explain how teachers are not burned out simply because of their workload but rather because they are set up to fail by systemic issues. We cover the definitions of burnout, highlighting symptoms like exhaustion, cynicism, reduced efficacy, its cause, and some ideas on how to combat burnout. We also share personal experiences of feeling depleted and unmotivated and what we found worked for us.
Stop by our website,, to find all the resources we used to create this episode. You can also find more information about all things education by reading our informative blog entries.
We appreciate you stopping by to listen to this critical topic. We’d love to hear your experiences and suggestions. Leave us a comment here and consider joining our new Facebook group. Your words may be just what a struggling teacher needs to hear!

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Further reading

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