Transparency in Teaching (Stuff) Podcast

007 To be Sick or Not to be Sick? The sub’s the question!

007 To be Sick or Not to be Sick? The sub's the question!

In Episode 007  you’ll hear:

  • Discussion about what we think this next school year will be like
  • Two new education laws that were passed having to do with prohibiting cell phones in schools and incorporating suicide prevention classes for K-6 students
  • What are different states’ requirements or lack thereof for becoming a substitute teacher
  • The advantages and disadvantages of subbing
  • Suggestions on how to make subbing better

and Jen’s sex education 🍆🍑and barforama 🤮 substitute teaching stories. Fun times!

For resources used in this episode and more stories about other teacher’s substitute teaching experiences go to our website. and subscribe!

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Further reading

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