Transparency in Teaching (Stuff) Podcast

Travel Savings for Teachers

Now, and whenever this virus decides to take it’s vacation…

A discussion about how teachers can save money while traveling may seem a little premature to start thinking about traveling. We are, after all, still supposed to be spending the majority of our time quarantined with close family and maybe some close friends. Not to mention, traveling doesn’t seem as much fun with the idea that one needs to wear a mask and be conscious of how close one stands to others. Plus the prospect that many places still have restaurants, bars, gyms, and various other places of entertainment shuttered leaves travelers with limited choices for amusement. Why spend money on a hotel when I can watch Netflix at home and order take out.

Attempting a trip

I say this from experience. A few weeks ago, my guy and I took a quick trip to Vegas to visit his nephew. We also hoped to make it a little getaway, seeing as how neither of us had been out of our neighborhoods in months. He booked a nice room in one of the hotels that had recently opened, slightly off the strip. We jumped in the car not really knowing what to expect.

After visiting his nephew, we took a disappointing stroll down the strip. Though the Strip wasn’t as crowded as it would have been pre-Covid, there were still a lot of visitors roaming about. Some wore masks, most didn’t. But the worst was the amount of cigarette and pot smoke wafting through the air. With a disease that affects the lungs, wandering about here didn’t seem the best idea.

Netflix and Wings

Most of the biggest hotels hadn’t opened yet, the mall shops were closed and any restaurant that had opened had long lines due to the restaurants’ seating capacities being greatly reduced. So we did indeed end up getting take out from a restaurant and returning to our hotel room to watch Netflix. Though it wasn’t the kind of Vegas trip we usually take, any trip feels like a big deal right now.

However, he did get the room for free by using his points! This is one of the ways teachers can save money on travel that we talk about in today’s podcast.

Today we get into ways teachers can save money on travel (once travel is a “thing” again!) Never too soon to start planning! We discuss ideas for social distancing conscious travel and how to make your “safer at home” quarantine seem more vacation-like.  You’ll also get an update on the HEALS Act education funding, which is still being debated. (I want to know who the person is who stays up all night thinking of these “catchy” acronyms!) And Anne and Jen share their own news that’s awesome but could mean a lot more work…😳  

Leave us a comment about the show. How have you been spending your summer? What are some ways you save money on travel?  Yeah, I know. Our travel budgets are going a lot farther these days because we’re not going far at all.  Soon,  my friends, soon…  

Happy Back to School or back to your computer that’s substituting for your classroom. 

Hang in there. Be safe. Stay sane! 

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