Aug. 14, 2024

054 Why Teachers Quit (3.0): Same themes, Different times

054 Why Teachers Quit (3.0): Same themes, Different times

We've been here before, twice! This is our third episode on this topic. It seems some things don't change. Districts are still struggling to hire and retain educators. This job we do and love comes with a price many aren't willing to pay to stay.

We dive deep into the ongoing teacher exodus and explore the multifaceted reasons behind it. Joined by new host, Jimese, a seasoned educator from a continuation high school, the discussion covers:

  • AI and Cyberbullying: Discover what Jen learned on her student trip about the nightly "MOO" and alarming new trends in cyberbullying involving AI and how it's affecting both students and teachers.

  • Teacher Pay: Is it really as low as people think? We break down the numbers and discuss teachers' financial struggles, including the burden of student loans.

  • Lack of Resources: From outdated technology to insufficient classroom supplies, learn how the lack of resources impacts teaching effectiveness.

  • High Workload: Understand the extensive, often unpaid duties teachers perform beyond classroom instruction, including grading, planning, and dealing with administrative tasks.

  • Discipline Challenges: Hear firsthand accounts of the increasing discipline issues in classrooms and how they contribute to teacher burnout.

  • Job Satisfaction: We analyze recent statistics on teacher job satisfaction and discuss why many educators advise against entering the profession.

Tune in to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges teachers face today. Of course, you'll hear our suggestions about retaining good, qualified educators.


Resources used in this episode:

The State of the Teacher Workforce | Learning Policy Institute

Teacher Salary Map Reveals States That Pay Educators the Best - Newsweek

Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - Glossary |

Want to buy a home in California? Here's how much you need to earn per year, Zillow says

Assessing the Compensation of Public-School Teachers | The Heritage Foundation

Eight Reasons Public School Teachers Aren’t Underpaid | American Enterprise Institute - AEI

All Work and No Pay — Teachers' Perceptions of Their Pay and Hours Worked

Teachers Work a Shocking Amount of Overtime Hours and It’s All Unpaid

What's It Like To Be a Teacher in America Today? | Pew Research Center

Teachers’ complicated attitudes about school discipline

What's It Like To Be a Teacher in America Today? | Pew Research Center

Problems with the use of student test scores to evaluate teachers | Economic Policy Institute

Caught in the culture wars, teachers are being forced from their jobs

The culture wars are pushing some teachers to leave the classroom

Few Americans Would Encourage a Young Person to Become a Teacher | NORC at the University of Chicago

No More Teachers: The Epic Crisis Facing Education In 2024

Assessing the Compensation of Public-School Teachers | The Heritage Foundation

15 Reasons Why the Teacher Just Quit

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