Oct. 5, 2020

014 Minimum Day #3 with Angel

014 Minimum Day #3 with Angel

Our guest co-host, fellow co-worker and single parent, Angel, joins us today to share her unique (or not so unique, depending on your family dynamic) situation of juggling two elementary school aged children during distance learning, while also wearing the seventh grade science teacher hat. She discusses how she often must excuse herself from teaching her junior high students, to help her daughters as they stand just off camera, staring at her, while quietly mouthing the word " Mom...Mom...." and how she must deal her first grader's melt down when things go south during an online session. Angel gets real about how today's current demands can bring feelings of inadequacy in both her roles as teacher and mother. 

The girls go off on blank assignments students turned in for credit and how students seem to think this level of work should count. They discuss the value of boredom and Angel and Jen share a game they played with their students that increased engagement and helped develop a better class dynamic. Anne also shares a lesson that reminded her why she loves teaching.

Finally, Anne gets on her pulpit to remind us that teaching is the most important profession of all. The sharing of knowledge, the passing down of wisdom, admitting our errors and helping others learn from our mistakes, is the basis for improving and developing a working society of intelligent, empathetic humans who have the common goal of making sure all people have the opportunity to succeed.  So, go proudly forth into yet another Google Meet and get after it. 

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